Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Week 4: Thing 9

I added 5 subscriptions to my Google reader. I started by adding a feed that exists on a site that I visit regularly. Next, I decided to do a search for a feed using the various searching tools. My searching for "children's books" and "children's book reviews," I located many blogs, but none of which I felt were authoritative or unbiased enough for my uses. After trying each searching tool and perusing the results, I decided to investigate sites that I was already familiar with, to locate a useful feed. I went to School Library Journal's website, where I discovered that they have many different feeds, directed to different interests. I added several relevant ones to my reader.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Week 4: Thing 8

Setting up an RSS feed reader was very simple. I chose to use Google because I already have a gmail account and blog, using google. This will keep things centralized (and hopefully organized). I have been meaning to set up an RSS feed reader for quite some time. When I first learned about it, I was thrilled with the idea that using this tool, news would come to me instead of me going to it. This creates a digital newspaper, customized just for me and my interests.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Week 3: Thing 7

I am having such a great time with my digital camera. With all the tools that are available, it is so easy now to share, save, and print images in a variety of ways. With a newborn at home and my family and friends far away, it has been wonderful to upload my photos to an online site and share them. I have been using Kodak Photo Gallery thus far, but have been introduced to other sites recently. I had a great time exploring Flickr and all the toys that come with it. Photography is so much more accessible now. Digital cameras provide immediate gratification and there are so many tools to edit and play with these photos with little skill.

Speaking of little skill, I am impressed with the accessibility of blogs. With little skill, one is able to publish for the world to read. No longer does one need some skill in creating web pages to publish. The common thread here is the ease of use. Technology advances, and so does accessibility.

Week 3: Thing 6

My creation
Originally uploaded by wendy.garland
I just spent way too much time on creating a magazine cover. This is great fun! You are limited on layout and cropping options, but what a fun way to create a unique project. This could be used so many ways in the classroom. I felt just like my students though - I got so distracted and obsessed with my "look" and color choices that I forgot I was supposed to be including content. The teacher voice in my head said, "Stay focused," but I just couldn't resist seeing what the different options would do to my creation. There are so many "toys" to play with on Flickr. What a great find!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Week 3: Thing 5

I went to Flickr and created an account after viewing the introduction. I really like the organizational tools available to create sets and groups. This makes so much sense to my librarian-self. Setting up an account was so easy. I decided to upload a photo that I took myself. Sorry - it's not of my library, but I am home on maternity leave and I took a cute baby photo instead (can you blame me? Look at that cute face...) Anyway, I decided to try the Flickr to Blogger route to post a photo. It was so easy to connect the two. I love how easy it was to post my photo!

Hi everyone!

Hi everyone!
Originally uploaded by wendy.garland
This is happy Nora, my three month old daughter, waving hello with her "crazy mitt."

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Week 2

So here I am, up and running. Getting my blog set up was very easy. I had too much fun creating an avatar that would represent me well. When I discovered that I could put her on a background, I tied my two loves/careers together and matched my blog's name, "Dancing Librarian." I do not anticipate using my blog the way some do, writing periodically about things going on in my daily life, but I can see me using it periodically to comment on things I've done or seen. It is so easy to create and maintain.

Week 1

I find habit #2 very easy, "Accept responsibility for your own learning." I usually jump into a project with the best of intentions, armed with the necessary tools (books, websites, etc). The best part of the project for me, is often the research and preparation. I love to prepare and get started. The follow-through is not my best asset.

Habit #1, "Begin with the end in mind" is difficult for me. I like to start something new with a short term project in mind, but don't always look at the big picture.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Welcome to my new blog. I am a school librarian and dance teacher. Here I am exploring new technology (to me) to use and incorporate in my careers and in my life.