Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Week 9: Thing #23

1. What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?
I particularly liked the Flickr exercises. Images can be so powerful and having additional tools to manipulate them is fantastic. I spent a tremendous amount of time exploring the options in the Flickr toys.
2. How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?
Most importantly, this program got me started on my blog and RSS feed. These were things I intended to do and it got me moving, and immediately using the additional features that I probably would not have gotten to on my own (avatars for example).
3. Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I was surprised at the ease of use of many of the tools that were presented. Most were very intuitive, leaving me feeling fairly accomplished, giving me a certain degree of confidence.
4. What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?
I thought this program was VERY well done. I felt like there was a great balance of instruction and exploration. I never felt like I needed additional help - everything that I needed was provided for on the assignment page. It was very well thought-out.
5. If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate?
Without a doubt, I would participate again in the future.
6. How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote CSLA learning activities?

Week 9: Thing #22

I love listening to audio books. That has been my primary "reading" method. Having so many books in the public domain grants so much freedom to readers to "read" both in the traditional format and in the audio format. Having books accessible without special software is crucial. This format will not be preferable to all, but it is a great resource to have.

Week 9: Thing #21

I added LibVib: the library news podcast to my reader. I love that so many podcasts are available free to the interested public, without special downloads or programs. Subscribing to a podcast ensures that you get the most recent episode, without having to check every day. Once again, my accolades to the technology that brings ME the information.

Week 9: Thing #20

Ah, YouTube. There are some great videos out there if you can sift through the heaps of junk to find them. Since I am familiar with YouTube, I spent my time investigating the other tabs that I never take time to look at. I chose a humorous video about annoying patrons. I liked that it used still shots and only minimal shots of real people (which means there weren't usage issues). I can see instructional videos being used on library web pages. As a school librarian, I can see videos made by students, FOR students about policies and usage of the library catalog, for example.